History of Penance

By Rayyt
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    First to Sixth Century

    The early followers of Jesus associated the forgiveness of sin with Baptism. The Eucharist was also 'for the forgiveness of sins' (Matthew 26:28). There is no evidence in the Christian Scriptures of a formal ritual or reconciliation. However, there are efforts to exclude sinners who refused to repent after repeated warnings.
  • Jan 1, 601

    Seven and Eighth Century

    People came to monasteries for help, seeking some external signs of forgiveness.
    This led to monks hearing private confessions and giving helpful advice. This is how the sacrament of penance originated.
    A book called the penitential was produced which provided suitable penances for particular sins.
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    Twelfth Century to Vatican II

    During this period the modern Rite of Penance emerged.
    * The sacrament was named confession - the telling of one's sins became more important than the desire to change.
    * Penance was lightened - often to a brief prayer.
    * Emphasis was placed on sorrow for one's sins, contrition, and the priest acted as judge.
    * For many it was an experience associated with fear.
    * It was totally private, not a community event.
  • Vatican II

    By the 1960's there was widespread dissatisfaction with the sacrament and the number of people participating declined significantly
    "The rites of the penance are to be revised so that they more clearly express both the nature and effect of the sacrament."
  • Now

    Emphasis is now placed on the theme of reconciliation, community and healing.
    The priest is called to be a guide now rather than a judge.
    God is seen to be reaching out to forgive us and our response to this unconditional love is emphasised.
  • Seventh Century to Twelfth Century

    By the 9th Century, penance was associated with penalties for sins committed.
    Absolution was now given immediately after the confession and the penance was carried out.