Period: 100 to Dec 31, 600
First to Sixth Century
- It was associated with baptism.
- It was only allowed to be done once in a lifetime, so many people would chose to participate near death.
Period: Jan 1, 600 to
Seventh and Eighth Century
- People usually went to find out how they could live life better, instead of seeking forgiveness for a sin.
Period: Jan 1, 1100 to
Twelfth Century to 1960's
- Penance was now done in private, not as a community session.
- Confession was now an experience filled with fear, because it became more focused on the sin, rather than the forgiveness.
Period: to
1960's to Now
- The number of people who participated had dropped, due to the dissatifaction in the way it was run. So the church decided to listen to the people and made some changes.
- Some of these changes are placing empasis on being reconciled and having the priest as a guide rather than a faceless judge.
Period: to Apr 27, 1100
Nineth to Eleventh Century
- Penance became associated with penalties for the sins committed.
- Absolution was done immediately after the confession, and the penance was carried out after.