History of PAs

  • Creation of PAs

    Creator: Eugene A. Stead Jr. M.D.
    Created because of primary care physician shortage.
  • First Surgical Program Opens for PAs

    Founded in the University of Alabama
  • First Class of PAs Graduated

    Graduated from Duke University.
  • First African American Graduates as a PA

    Prentiss Harrison was first PA African American in the country.
  • AAPA established and incorporated

    The American Association of Physician Assistants, or now known as The American Association of Physician Associates, was first established in North Carolina
  • First Physician Assistant Journal is released

    Vol. 1 No. 1
  • First Woman Graduates as a PA

    Joyce Nichol became first woman to graduate as a PA, additionally to being the first African American woman to practice as a PA.
  • First Six States Authorize PAs

    Six states pass legislation authorizing PAs
  • First PA book is published

    The Physician’s Assistant: Today and Tomorrow by Sadler, Sadler, and Bliss
  • First PA examination

    Administered by the National Board of Medical Examiners
  • First annual PA Day

    20th anniversary of first graduating PAs
  • PAs get prescriptive authority

  • PAs are commissioned in every branch of the military

  • All states pass legislation allowing PAs to practice.

    Mississippi was the last state