
History of Painting

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    Cave Paintings

    Cave Paintings
    The oldest paintings we have found dated back 40,000 years ago. This is one of the many cave paintings we founded in Lascaux. More are all over the world and are being researched.
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    Indian Painting

    Indian Painting
    Indian painting was mainly around Kings and Gods. Indian were mainly influence by Mythology. Earliest one dating back around 50,000 BC in a cave,
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    Dating back 1200 BC, Egypt had many paints in their cities, more symbloic than realistic. Most are painting were of the written language and some to make the afterlife more peasent for them.
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    Chinese Painting

    Chinese Painting
    Chinese painting is one of the oldest on going artistic tradition in the world. This is one of the being of paints of the world around them. Before than most wasnt painted about pictures but about animals, lines and shape.
  • Oct 9, 600

    Middle Ages

    Middle Ages
    During the Middle Ages, the rise of Christianity played a huge role during this time for Paintings. Many people painted to increase the influence of Christianity and to have them on show in churches.
  • Oct 9, 1400


    The Renaissance took place 1400-1700 and consider to be the Golden Age of Painting. Most of the painters were in Italy studying persective and the human body to create new Art styles and changing the world. This is where most of the famous artwork came from and perserve in France.
  • Neo-Classicism

    Spanning from the 18th through 19th creating a brand new style. Most of it still retain most of the skill that the Renassance time but added onto it. During this time, it focused more on Landscape than the human body.
  • Japanese Painting

    Mural paintings were the first of Japanese Painting. The first one dating back to late 700. The earliest surviving one that in a Japanese Temple