English language

History of our words

  • Aug 10, 1066

    Middle English

    Middle English
    In 1066 England was conquered by the Normans. They brought with them a type of French language. Which became the language spoken by the Royal Court and upper class citizens, only the lower class people spoke English. Eventually English became the dominant language again in the 14th century but with a lot of French words added. This language is referred to as Middle English.
  • May 19, 1450

    where english language originated

    where english language originated
    the english language originated from Anglo-frisian dialects.
  • Feb 21, 1495

    how the english language was introduced in britian

    how the english language was introduced in britian
    Three Germanic tribes invaded what is now Britian, the Angles, the Saxons, and the Jutes. they came from what is now Denmark and northern Germany, During the 5th century. The people who were living on the land of what is now Britian spoke a Celtic language, most of them were pushed west by the Germanic tribes. The Angles spoke Englisc from which England and English came from.
  • Nov 7, 1500

    Early Modern English

    Early Modern English
    Middle English had started to change in the 1500's. It was known as the Great Vowel Shift. Many new words and phrases entered the language. Books became more popular and more people learned how to read. Spelling and grammar started being used.
  • May 19, 1561

    Old English

    Old English
    The threee invading tribes spoke similiar languages, which in britian had turned into what is now Old English. English that is spoken today is very different from Old English. But most of modern-day english have roots from Old English. This language was spoken until the 1100's.
  • most publishing houses were found in london

    most publishing houses were found in london
    Publishing books became very popular in London.in 1600-1800 London had been the city with the most publishing houses.
  • First English Dictionary was Published

    First English Dictionary was Published
  • Late Modern English

    Late Modern English
    What makes Late Modern English differemt from Early Modern English is vocabualry. Late Modern English uses many more words. One of the main factors for why there were so many new wrods created was because new technology was made and called for new words.
  • British Empire causes more changes in the English Language

    British Empire causes more changes in the English Language
    during the early 1800's the British empire covered one quarter of the earth, the English language adopted foreign words from many countries.
  • Modern-day English

    Modern-day English
    Present day English is more similiar to english that was used by shakespeare then English in Britian today. today there are many different varieties of English such as, Australian English, New Zealand English, Canadian English, South African English, Indian English and Carribean English. American English has many influences for example, tv, movies, music and technology spanish also has an extreme effect on american english.