History of our colleges

  • Joliet Junior College

    The Nation’s first community college, Joliet Community College in Illinois, added fifth and sixth year courses to high school curriculum
  • Phoenix Junior College

    Phoenix Junior College, Arizona’s first community college, was established and is now known as Phoenix College.
  • The Great Depression

    Community colleges started providing job training programs to ease unemployment during the Great Depression.
  • Maricopa County Junior College District

    Maricopa Community Colleges became the Maricopa County Junior College District.
  • Glendale Community College

    The first community college in the West Valley, Glendale Community College, was established.
  • The Nationwide Commission on the Future of Community Colleges

    The Nationwide Commission on the Future of Community Colleges asserted that colleges should help build communities by creating facilities for workforce training and developing partnerships with employers.
  • Growth

    The enrollment at public community colleges dramatically increased approximately fivefold.
  • Funding

    A bond election generated capital funds for renovation and expansion for main campus facilities.