
history of oil byMarco Munoz

By rmulli1
  • the firs compiney starting to digoil

    the firs compiney starting to digoil
    Lyne T. Barret drilled Texas' first producing oil well in 1866 at Melrose in Nacogdoches County.
  • the first oil renfineries

    in Hardin County in 1893. The three small wells in Hardin County led to the creation of two small refineries in 1896 and 1898.
  • spindetopoil find

    is the most famous date in Texas petroleum history. This is the date that the great gusher erupted in the oil well being drilled at Spindletop, near Beaumont, by a mining engineer, Capt. A. F. Lucas.
  • the oil start

    the oil start
    on this day texas went into the 20th centry when a oil will shot oil and mund
  • ofshor oil

    The first offshore drilling was in shallow northern Galveston Bay, where the Goose Creek Field was discovered in 1908. Several dry holes followed, and the field was abandoned. But a gusher in 1916 created the real boom there