History of Nuclear Power

  • EBR- 1 Reactor is the first the generate electricity in Arco, Idaho

    EBR- 1 Reactor is the first the generate electricity in Arco, Idaho
    -Became first power plant to produce electricity using Atomic Energy
    -In 1953 testing showed it could produce more energy than it consumed
    -You can visit this location, which is now a museum and designated National Historic Landmark
  • Eisenhower gives Atoms For Peace speech to United Nations

    Eisenhower gives Atoms For Peace speech to United Nations
    -Eisenhower wanted to reassure public about peacful use of nuclear power
    -Showed a positive side of harnessing the atom in compared to just bombs
    -Began the implementation of Nuclear energy worldwide
  • Obninsk Reactor on Soviet Union Becomes the First Nuclear Power Plant

    Obninsk Reactor on Soviet Union Becomes the First Nuclear Power Plant
    -First Grid Connected Power Plant in the World
    -Used for experimentation and little power production
    -Remained in Operation between 1954 and 2002
    -Total output was 5 MWe
  • Shippingport Becomes First Nuclear Power Plant in United States

    Shippingport Becomes First Nuclear Power Plant in United States
    -World's first full-scale atomic electric power plant devoted exclusively to peacetime uses.
    -Remained in Operation between 1957 and 1982
    -60 MWe of output
  • French Prime Minister Messmer lauches Nuclear Program in France in Response to Oil Crisis

    French Prime Minister Messmer lauches Nuclear Program in France in Response to Oil Crisis
    -France undergoes massive effort to Nuclearize entire country
    -Conctructs 56 new reactors between 1974 and 1989
    -By 2004 75% of energy production from Nuclear
    France becomes one the "greenest" countries on Earth
    -Produce 537.7 TWh today, exporting 59 TWh
  • EBR- 2 Reactor Demonstrates that Advanced Sodium Cooled Reactors can Passively Shutdown with Backup Systems

    EBR- 2 Reactor Demonstrates that Advanced Sodium Cooled Reactors can Passively Shutdown with Backup Systems
    -The pool-type reactor design of the EBR-II provides passive safety: the reactor core, its fuel handling equipment, and many other systems of the reactor are submerged under molten sodium.
    -System can shutdown even without human interaction
    -Offers on-site reprocessing of used fuel for reprocessing and reintroduction
  • Megatons to Megawatts

    Megatons to Megawatts
    President George H.W. Bush Implements Megatons to Megawatts
    -Turns 20,000 Russian Nuclear Warheads into electricity
    -10% of United States electricty comes from Russian warheads
    -The program was the largest and most successful nuclear non-proliferation program to date
  • First Third Generation Nuclear Reactor Kashiwazaki-Kariwa 6

    First Third Generation Nuclear Reactor Kashiwazaki-Kariwa 6
    • Improved fuel technology, superior thermal efficiency, significantly enhanced safety systems (including passive nuclear safety), and standardized designs for reduced maintenance and capital costs. -Designed for 60+ years, and extendable to 100 years of productive capacity -Used 17% less Uranium -1350 MWe
  • James Hansen et al. Publish Paper showing Nuclear Power has saved 1.84 Million Lives

    James Hansen et al. Publish Paper showing Nuclear Power has saved 1.84 Million Lives
    -James Hansen a well-known climate guru
    -Paper predicts 4.39 to 7.04 million additional lives by 2050
    -The paper presents a clear conclusion that helps to place the impact of nuclear power in perspective.
  • First Nuclear Fussion Reactor to be Tested

    First Nuclear Fussion Reactor to be Tested
    -Scientists are becoming closer to putting the world's first nuclear fusion reactor, the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER), to the test this June.
    -ITER will be the first fusion reactor capable of delivering more electricity than it takes to run if everything goes according to plan.
    - If realized, it might constitute an entirely new source of nearly unlimited electricity, free of nuclear war dangers.