Coat of arms of nigeria.svg

History of Nigeria

  • Jan 12, 1400

    Benin Empire

    Benin Empire
    The Edo people of western Africa found the Benin Empire in the 15th century. Benin becomes internationally famous for its artworks exported to Europe and around the world
  • Period: Jan 1, 1471 to

    Slave Trade

    Millions of Nigerians are forced into slave trade and sent to the Americas.
  • Sokoto caliphate

    Sokoto caliphate
    a single Islamic state -- is founded in the north
  • Period: to

    British Control

    Britain takes over what it calls “the Colony and Protectorate of Nigeria,’ governing indirectly through local leaders.
  • Nigeria is formed

    Nigeria is formed
    Nigeria, the most populous country in Africa, is formed by the merger of the Northern and Southern protectorates by Lord Lugard
  • Nigerian Independence

    Nigerian Independence
    Prime Minister Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa leads a coalition government into Independence.
  • The Republic of Biafra secedes

    The Republic of Biafra secedes
    After several years of coups and counter-coups, three eastern states secede as the Republic of Biafra. This sparks a violent civil war.
  • Nigeria ends Biafra War

    Nigeria ends Biafra War
    Nigeria ends Biafra war after more than one million people have been killed by a blockade and attacks. Biafran leaders surrender and the regions are reintegrated into the country.
  • Yakubu Gowon is overthrown

    Yakubu Gowon is overthrown
    Lieutenant-Colonel Yakubu Gowon is overthrown. Brigadier Murtala Ramat Mohammed replaces him and starts process to move the federal capital to Abuja.
  • Mohammed is assassinated

    Mohammed is assassinated
    Mohammed is assassinated in a failed coup. His deputy, Lieutenant-General Olusegun Obasanjo, replaces him and helps introduce an American-style presidential constitution.
  • Expelling foreigners

    Expelling foreigners
    The government expels more than one million foreigners it says are taking jobs from Nigerians.
  • Abacha seizes power

    Abacha seizes power
    General Sani Abacha seizes power from the Interim National Government and suppresses opposition.
  • President Obasanjo

    President Obasanjo
    Parliamentary and presidential elections. Olusegun Obasanjo sworn in as president.
  • Killings in Lagos

    Killings in Lagos
    Some 100 people are killed in Lagos in clashes between Hausas from mainly-Islamic north and ethnic Yorubas from predominantly-Christian southwest.
  • President Obasanjo

    President Obasanjo
    First civilian-run presidential elections since end of military rule. Olusegun Obasanjo elected for second term despite questions about the election.
  • Bakassi peninsula

    Bakassi peninsula
    Nigerian senate rejects Nigeria-Cameroon agreement for hand-over of Bakassi peninsula to Cameroon.
  • Oil

    Oil trades at $100 a barrel based on violnece in Nigeria.
  • Kingdom of Nri

    Kingdom of Nri
    The Kingdom of Nri becomes the first established monarchy in the history of Nigeria and a major influence in the region after it originates the Igbo culture.