14 orakei slide 7

History of New Zealand

  • New Zealand was explored by Abel Tasman, a Dutch navigator.

    New Zealand was explored by Abel Tasman, a Dutch navigator.
  • British captain James Cook made three voyages to the islands

    British captain James Cook made three voyages to the islands
  • The Treaty of Waitangi between the British and several Maori tribes

    The Treaty of Waitangi between the British and several Maori tribes
  • A decade of land Wars begins between the Maoris and European settlers.

    A decade of land Wars begins between the Maoris and European settlers.
  • New Zealand becomes the first country to give women the right to vote.

    New Zealand becomes the first country to give women the right to vote.
  • The country becomes a dominion, or self-governing community, within the British Empire.

    The country becomes a dominion, or self-governing community, within the British Empire.
  • New Zealand gains independence from Great Britain.

    New Zealand gains independence from Great Britain.
  • Labour government elected, Prime Minister David Lange begins radical economic reforms.

    Labour government elected, Prime Minister David Lange begins radical economic reforms.
  • New Zealand won the Rugby World Cup

    New Zealand won the Rugby World Cup
  • New Zealand First coalition government.

    New Zealand First coalition government.