History of my monarchy

  • Corrupt leader

    This government was a dictatorship at first. The very first corrupt leader took power on this day.
  • Inequality

    Marriage equality is criminalized and the ruler declares discrimination against LGBT men and women is not against the law
  • Angry citizens

    Many citizens are against this new ruler. They start to plan an uprising to get rid of him.
  • The first attempt

    Failed assassination attempt of the dictator by an unknown man.
  • Debt

    Dictator puts the country into awful debt. Citizens riot in the street which causes 5 deaths.
  • The second attempt

    Another failed attempt to assassinate the dictator. A group of 5 mine are caught and arrested. They are later put in jail.
  • Dictator becomes sick

    The dictator catches an intense version of the flu and falls extremely ill.
  • Death of the dictator

    Dictator dies of the flu but is rumored to have been murdered. People take this opportunity to change the government.
  • The monarch

    A monarch is chosen as their new leader and the government becomes an official monarchy. The economy is slowly restored.
  • A new government

    Citizens/officials of the country take control and change the government to a Monarchy and work on getting a new ruler