Imagen de musica


  • 1335

    Cancionero De Palacio

    Cancionero De Palacio
    The most important songbooks were the Spanish manuscripts, for example, Cancionero de Palacio had more tan 400 pieces from the times of the catholic Monarchs about different subjects and in different languages,
  • Period: 1483 to 1546

    Martin Luther

    He was a German theologian and monk known for starting the Protestant Reformation. He was also a composer and flautist. He created a repertoire of simple melodies in the vernacular. On the other hand , Catholic music continued to be composed and written in Latin
  • 1500

    Renaissance Music

    Renaissance Music
    In this period, distinction between religious and secular music continued.
    Vocal and Instrumental music had this main characteristics:
    1.It was composed in several parts
    2.It was composed using medieval modal scales
    3.It had a defined and regular rythm
  • Period: 1500 to

    Instrumental music (Renaissance)

    The church still prohibed instruments in liturgy so instrumental music remained secular. It began to become more important because for the first time it was independent of singing.
    Music began to be written and composed in a more formal way and new musical forms appeared.
    Favourite Instruments of the Renaissance were Polyphonic instruments
  • Francesca Caccini

    Francesca Caccini
    She was born In Florence .His father and the rest of his family were also musiciansand she performand ed with them, using the stage called Concerto Caccini, and she had a great voice , and she played the Harp, the lute and the hapsycord , and she wrote 5 operas
  • Period: to

    Musical Baroque Period

    -It aimed to cause emotions and make musical performances spectaculaf
    -It use contrasting elements
    -It was based on the diatonic scales that we know
    -It had an insistent,mechanical rythm with strong and repeated beats
    -The predominant texture was melody-dominated homophony
  • Baroque dance and ballet

    -Forced exile of moriscos
    -Thirty years war
    -Lope de vega
    -Johannes Kepler
  • Baroque dance and ballet

    -Descartes publishes Discourse on the Method
    -Birth of Jean-Baptiste Lully
    -Opening of the first public opera house in Venice
  • Baroque music and ballet

    -Velázquez paints las meninas
    -Birth of Henry Purcell
  • Antonio Vivaldi

    Antonio Vivaldi
    It was a composer and priest from venice.
    He was the violin teacher at the conservatory of the Orphanage of Pieta and he wrote Operas , Oratorios and over 450 concertos
  • Toccata

    Composition with an improvisional feel. Composers started to write down any brief improvised pieces.
  • Franz Joseph Haydn

    Franz Joseph Haydn
    He was the son of a carriage maker , their parents send him to study music, he worked for the Esterházi family for 30 years composing music for important events and conducting the smallfamily orchestra every day. He managed to present 2 operas and 2 oncertos per week
  • Period: to

    Music in the Classical period

    It was very formal music and in this period there wre so many good compositors like Franz Joseph Haydn, Wolfang Amadeus Mozart or Ludwig Van beethoven
  • Period: to

    Music in the romantic period

    It was characterised because they wanted to be free from classical rules and express emotions , they make the melody an important means of expression , they use melody-dominated homophonywith complex harmonies and they use the repetition o musical ideas
  • zarzuela

    lyrical and theatrical musical form that first appeared in the 17 century
  • Romantic Dance and Ballet

    the start of Romantic ballet was marked by the first Paris performance of La Sylphide in 1832. Outside the theatre , court dances were substitued for ballroom dances. Of this dances , the Waltz became more popular.
  • Musical Nationalism

    In Russia : With Pyotr Tchaikovsky and the five.
    In Hungary: With Béla Bartók, he started ethnomusicology.
    In Spain: With Felipe Predell
  • Period: to


    It was characterised by:
    -Pursuing Novelty
    -Searching for a new musical lenguage
    -Exploring different ways of representing music
    -Using new computer and instrumental resources
  • Impressionism

    Started with paintings that attempted to capture reality in a subjective way . Characterised by:
    -Musical athmospheres inspired in natural things
    -Scales that evoked oriental music
    -Irregular rythm
    -Timbres of differents instruments overlapping each other.
  • Expressionism

    It started as a movement.
    Characterised by:
    -It used a very strong rythm
    -Compositions designed for small chamber ensembles
    -Spreschgesang: Its a vocal technique
    -Strong dissonances
    -It used atonality and 12 tone technique
  • Neoclassicism

    Characterised by:
    -Harmonic dissonannces
    -Irregular rythm
    -It used vocal scales
    -Based on Classical music form
  • Aleatoric music

    Its a reaction to the rigid rules of the 12 tone technique and was based on vhance and the ability of the performers to improvise.
    Each piece was unrepeteable
  • Musique concrete

    First they recorded the sounds and they they processed them in a recording studio.
    sometimes this eliminated the need of a performer
  • Electronic and electroacustic music

    Electroni music was entirely produced in a recording studio and generated electronically by sinthesisers
  • Minimal music

    This movement aimed to create simple and direct music with minimal resources.
    It brought back tonality and the use of simple musical structures, clear melodies and textures