Libros abiertos


  • Period: 504 to 604

    Gregorian chant

    The Roman Catholic Church create a new musical repertory called Gregorian Chan
    *Monophonic texture, without instrumental accompaniment
    *The text is in Latin with a religius theme
  • 701

    Music in al Andalus

    Music in al Andalus
    Muslims expand arround the Mediterrian and occupied a wide territory form Persia.
    Al-Andalus unique style, known as Andalussian classical music.
  • 801

    Secular vocal music

    Secular vocal music
    It was generaly passed on oral, there are hardly any records of it.
    *It has a monophonic texture, but with instrumental accompaniment.
    *It uses modal scales and rythmic modes
  • 801

    Instrumental music

    Instrumental music
    Catholic church only used organ and no other instruments.
  • 893

    Liturgical polyfony

    Liturgical polyfony
    A second voice was added to the Gregorian Chant
  • Period: 1453 to

    The modern period

    Is a philosophical and aesthetic stance underlying the period of change
  • Period: 1453 to

    The Renaissance

    Thsi period started with the fall of the Byzantine empire and ended with the French Revolution
  • Period: to

    Baroque music

    The Baroque musical period started with the appearence of opera and ended with the death of Johann Sebastian Bach
  • Period: to

    Vocal music

  • Period: to

    The baroque period

    Cultural development in the Baroque period happend in a social, economic, religius and political depression.
  • Period: to

    The romantic period

  • Musique concrete

    It used sounds from their surroundings and then modified them with the latest technology