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History of music

  • 504

    gregorian chant

    between the 7th an 9th centuries
  • Period: 504 to 604

    gregory the great

    we call this musical repertoire Gregorian chant in honour of Pope.
  • Jan 1, 800


    there are the first symbols, and they are written on top of the words to show the changes of pitch
  • Jan 1, 800


    there are the first symbols, and they werw written on top of the words to show the changes of pitch.
  • Period: Jan 1, 992 to Jan 1, 1050

    Guido d'Arezzo

    He was a teacher in the cathedral school in arezzo,Italy.
    As well has inventing the Guidonian hand, he created the four-line stave and gave the notes the names that we still use today.