History of Music 1 - Final Exam Timeline

  • Period: to

    Baroque Era

  • Monteverdi's "L'Orfeo"

  • First Public Concerts in England

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    JS Bach

  • Antonio Vivaldi's "L'Estro Armonico"

    Part of the first concertos ever published. Also included three contrasting movements (fast-slow-fast). It was the beginning of a new ritornello form.
  • Rameau's "Traité de l’harmonie"

    Included instructions on how to write music with tonality (thirds, fifths).
  • Bach's The Well-Tempered Clavier volume 1

    Bach included 24 pairs of preludes and fugues, all in the 24 different keys of music. It was played on the clavier, which was either the organ, harpsichord, or the clavichord.
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    Franz Joseph Haydn

  • Handel's "Messiah"

    Handel continued to work on the piece before his death. A score was officially published 8 years later in 1767.
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    Viennese Classical Period

  • Period: to

    W.A. Mozart

  • Period: to

    Le Chevalier de Saint-Georges as director of Concerts des Amateurs

    First black conductor of possibly the finest orchestra in France, and even Europe. He was also a renowned swordsman.
  • Mozart's Don Giovanni

  • Haydn's Symphony No. 94 "Surprise"

    Premiered at Hanover Square Rooms with Haydn on the keyboard.