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History of Multicultural Education

  • Thought and Language

    Thought and Language
    Lev Vygotsky's book, Thought and Language is introduced to the English-speaking world. Vygotsky founded the principles for social constructive theories, making vast break-throughs in language learning and cognition. This is important to multiculturalism in that Vygotsky noted different ways in which children learn best and develop positively, allowing for a level of mutual understanding.
  • Bilingual and Bicultural Public School Opens in U.S.

    Bilingual and Bicultural Public School Opens in U.S.
    Due to the immense amount of immigrant children arriving in Miami after the Cuban Revolution, Coral Way Public Elementary School began its first bilingual program. This is important for multiculturalism, as these immigrant students were given an opportunity to learn and receive education alongside their American peers.
  • The Civil Rights Act Becomes Law

    The Civil Rights Act Becomes Law
    This law makes discrimination based on race, color, sex, religion or national origin illegal. This law is very significant to multiculturalism, as it protects the rights of all citizens.
  • The Rehabilitation Act Becomes Law

    The Rehabilitation Act Becomes Law
    This act guarantees civil rights for people with disabilities in federally funded institutions and requires accommodations in schools for those who do not qualify for Special Education or an IEP. This act is important for multiculturalism, as it allows those students who fall between Special Education and General Education. These students are allowed accommodations which help them learn in ways that best suit their needs.
  • Board of Education v. Pico

    Board of Education v. Pico
    Books can no longer be removed from a school library because school administrators deemed their content to be offensive. This act allows students access to important history that can be learned from. Books that are deemed offensive are great tools in explaining how people were historically treated and teaching how far we have come in embracing multicultural diversity.
  • The University of Phoenix Creates First Online College

    The University of Phoenix Creates First Online College
    The University of Phoenix was the first college to offer online bachelor's and master's degrees and became the largest private university in North America. Many people (myself included) cannot adhere to a strict schedule due to work and family life. Online higher education has provided an immense amount of opportunity to people around the world.
  • The Immigration and Nationality Act

     The Immigration and Nationality Act
    This law provides family-sponsored visas and employment-based visas for priority workers, skilled workers, and advanced professionals. The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1990 increases annual immigration and adds to the diversity of our nation and its schools.
  • 4-Year-Olds Allowed in Preschool

    4-Year-Olds Allowed in Preschool
    Georgia was the first state to offer universal preschool to all four-year-olds whose parents choose to enroll them. This is extremely beneficial for both the parent and the child, as the children are given the opportunity to learn at a younger age, when their brains are developing most rapidly. This helps the parents save needed income on childcare, or allows time to work.
  • Barack Obama is First U.S. President of Color

    Barack Obama is First U.S. President of Color
    The election of Barack Obama was a milestone for people of color in the United States. It gave the country hope and opened the door for acceptance and understanding. Unfortunately, the great racial divide reopened shortly thereafter, and we still have a long battle to end racism and bigotry.
  • Arizona Teacher Strike Ends

    Arizona Teacher Strike Ends
    Public school teachers in Arizona went on strike to fight for better benefits and more pay. The amount of money that Arizona public school teachers were spending on supplies and curriculum was off the charts. The strike ended in a pay increase and a school-funding plan.