History of Multicultural Education

By twanner
  • School District of Abington Township, Pennsylvania vs Schempp & Murray vs Curlett

    School District of Abington Township, Pennsylvania vs Schempp & Murray vs Curlett
    These court cases dealt with the issue of reading passages from the Bible at school. The court ruled that no law or school board may force students or teachers to recite passages from the Bible or the Lord's Prayer. It allowed for a bit of freedom for students and teachers of other religions/cultures.
  • Civil Rights Act

    Civil Rights Act
    The Civil Rights Act was established. This was the first time it was illegal to discriminate people based on their culture.
  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act

    Elementary and Secondary Education Act
    This act provided federal funding for low income students that could not afford schooling. It gave students that came from poverty stricken cultures the opportunity to attain an education. It also paved the way for other programs such as Title I.
  • Diana vs. California State Board

    Diana vs. California State Board
    Case that ruled that students referred for "special education placement be tested in their primary language." This ruling allowed students speaking different languages and coming from other countries a better chance of being successful in school.
  • Title IX

    Title IX
    Title IX is known for allowing and regulating the participation of women in sports. However, it actually prohibits discrimination based on sex in all aspects of education.
  • Equal Education Opportunities Act

    Equal Education Opportunities Act
    This act prohibits discrimination in education opportunities. It also attempted to deconstruct barriers that may prevent equal protection to students of other races or cultures.
  • Board of Education vs Pico

    Board of Education vs Pico
    Court case that ruled that books cannot be removed from a schools library because an administrator deemed them offensive. This gave students freedom in their education to learn about things they may not be taught in the classroom.
  • University of Phoenix

    University of Phoenix
    University of Phoenix establishes the first online school. This allows students that may not have time or the ability to go to university in person an opportunity to still obtain an education.
  • No Child Left Behind

    No Child Left Behind
    President Bush signs this law, which mandates high-stakes student testing. It also holds schools accountable for student achievement and penalizes schools with poor performance. The law makes sure that schools are equally educating all students and everyone is achieving success.
  • Fisher vs. University of Texas

    Fisher vs. University of Texas
    The supreme court ruled that affirmative action is constitutional if "narrowly tailored". This allows advantages in school placement to members of cultures facing discrimination.