"History of Multicultural Education"

  • President, John F. Kennedy

    President, John F. Kennedy
    John F. Kennedy was assassinated. This was a very sad day for a great nation. The world mourn Kennedy's death. For the people of Massachuettss this was very personal matter the Irish Catholics were devastated.
  • The Civil Rights Act

    The Civil Rights Act
    Segregration on the premis of race,religon, or national origin was banned. Black people and othe minorities could no longer be denied service based on color of skin. This act also help to shape an create the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission employers and labor unions could no longer discriminate over race, religion, or national origin.
  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act Passes

    Elementary and Secondary Education Act Passes
    This is part of Lyndon B. Johnson's 'War on Poverty'. It sets up Title I and bilingual education all as part of a means to help low income students.
  • Project Head Start

    Project Head Start
    A preschool education program for children from low-income families. It is the longest running anti-poverty program in the U.S. and still widely used today to ensure this crucial time of development for young people has an appropriate educational offering.
  • Dr. Martin Luther King is Assassinated

    Dr. Martin Luther King  is Assassinated
    Nobel prize winner and leader of the American Civil Rights Movement is assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee. His life and legacy is now celebrated in the third week of January every year.
  • Jean Piaget's The Science of Education is published

    Jean Piaget's The Science of Education is published
    This book focuses on Piaget's Learning Cycle model and popularizes discovery-based teaching approaches. This is an important aspect of multicultural education as some of the work of Piaget may have under represented the importance of social and cultural constructs to education.
  • Indian Education Act becomes law

    Indian Education Act becomes law
    This is crucial legislation as it identifies the unique cultural and linguistic learning needs of Native Americans and Alaskan Natives. It also expands protections beyond what is offered by the Indian Affairs Bureau.
  • Dartmouth begins accepting women

    Dartmouth begins accepting women
    in 1972 Dartmouth is one of the last schools to begin admitting women to their Ivy League school. Black women were also able to begin attending in 1972.
  • Education of All Handicapped Children Act

    Education of All Handicapped Children Act
    This federal law ensures free, appropriate education in the least restrictive environment for 'handicapped' children. It ensures that the students individual needs are seen to and they receive an appropriate education. This provides certainty to the eduction of students of different abilites.
  • Sheff v. O'Neill

    Sheff v. O'Neill
    This is a key desegregation case that ensures that hartford, Connecticut integrate its schools. This case sought to correct racial inequity, and every case like this that wins strengthens the larger arguement for desegregation and integration.