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History of Multicultural Education

  • Lev Vygotsky's Book Thought and Language is introduced in the English-speaking World

    Lev Vygotsky's Book Thought and Language is introduced in the English-speaking World
    Vygotsky's book introduces the social nature of learning and fundamentals of social constructivist theories. I feel this has impacted multicultural education because it challenges us to think of the many outside influences that affect education. He also introduces us to " Zone of Proximal Development" which we still use today!
  • Indian Education Act of 1972

    Indian Education Act of 1972
    In summary, this act provides the American Indian with cultural needs, diversity in Indian Education, and provides services for the American Indian and Alaskan Natives. This was very imparative to multicultural education because this Act gave reconigtion to a perticular population that have long been apart of American history
  • The Education of All Handicap Children Act

    The Education of All Handicap Children Act
    The importance of this laws was to provide children with disabilities free appropriate public education and services designed to meet their unique needs. This Act was very essetial to Multicultral education because it acknowledges all children, not just the diverse nationalities but ones withen the relm of disabilities, and entiled them with a free education.
  • Wallace v, Jaffree, the U.S. Supreme Court case

    Wallace v, Jaffree, the U.S. Supreme Court case
    The purpose of this law was whether a law that authorizes a period of silence in public schools for "meditation or voluntary prayer" is a violation the first ammendment.The court rulled 6-3 unconsitution that in a public school should adhere to one ideological point of view. This law also opened another window in multicultural education by giving acknowlegment to other religous practices.
  • The Improving America's Schools Act (IASA)

    The Improving America's Schools Act (IASA)
    This act implemented a high standard, professional development, and promoted connections with communities and schools. In focusing on multicultural education, this iniatives strives to provide the best for all students regardless of their circumstances. What I find forward about this act is how it contributes to the quality of teaching and learning for all students
  • 9/11

    The world trade centers in NYC were hit with 2 airplanes by al-Queda. As a result of the passing of the Patriot Act and a Decade long war on terrorism. I belive this had an impact on multiculrual education because it had an impact on everybody's daily life. From familes from the middle east being scrunized, fear in the country, and all the loss on that day and during the war, family dynamics changed.
  • Barack Obama is Elected as the 44th President of the US

    Barack Obama is Elected as the 44th President of the US
    President Barack Obama makes history in many ways but most significantly being the first African American president of the US. I belive this was very significant for multicultural education, becuase it is apart of the history books. Now when young children of minority ethnicites learn about US history and cultual not only are we a significant part of it we can make it to the top with no limits
  • Most recent results of the Program for International Student Assessment

    Most recent results of the Program for International Student Assessment
    American students continue to lag behind teenagers in other developed countries. This shows althougth their are plenty of reforms in place thier is still more work to be done. This implies to multicultural education because as divers the US is, there should be more done to meet the needs of all educationally diverse communities.
  • The Civil Rights Project report

    The Civil Rights Project report
    This summary report of the 60th anniversary of Brown V. Board of education to overturn" seperate but equal". The report explains that over the past 6 decades although there have been some strides, their is still a lot that needs to be worked on. This is important to mulicultural education because poverty is seperating the quality of education.
  • Every Student Succeeds Act

    Every Student Succeeds Act
    Simply rolls back much of the federal government's imput in education policy, on everything from testing and teacher quality to low-performing schools, and it gives it to the states. This new law re-builds on key areas of progress, which have been made possible because of educators, communities, parents, and students across the country.I belive this will make an impact on multicultural education because it reinsates core values and connection from the most important areas.