
History of Multicultural Education

By Llynite
  • The challenge of discriminatory education

    The challenge of discriminatory education
    Many African Americans following Ruby Bridges (the first African American to attend an elementary school in New Orleans) sought to fight against discrimination by partaking in public discriminatory practices and attending public schools and colleges.
  • Coral Way Elementary School starts the first bilingual and bicultural public school in the United States

    Coral Way Elementary School starts the first bilingual and bicultural public school in the United States
    During the Cold War, there were many refugees who were politically fleeing from Cuba. With this in mind, Coral Way Elementary School took these refugees in and gave them an education. At first the school focused on the refugees' nationality first before combining it with English to become the first bilingual and bicultural education program.
  • Head Start Program

    Head Start Program
    This program is part of a program of the United States Department of Health and Human Services that provides aid to low-income families to allow them to be able to get early education and health.
  • Bilingual Education Act

    Bilingual Education Act
    The Bilingual Act was signed by President Lyndon B. Johnson to address the needs to assist students who had trouble speaking English. This is a significant piece of legislation that was the main structure for the many more bills in the future to give minorities an equal education.
  • Equal Educational Opportunities Act

    Equal Educational Opportunities Act
    This act prohibits discrimination against any faculty and students including racial segregation of the students. This act also requires schools to allow each and every student to have equal participation.
  • Education for All Handicapped Children Act

    Education for All Handicapped Children Act
    The Education for All Handicapped Children Act required all public schools with funds to provide a free, appriopriate, and equal access to education and one free meal a day to children who are handicapped.
  • Plyer VS. Doe

    Plyer VS. Doe
    The Plyer VS. Doe was started when an argument when Texas law was denying public education to children who had no documented age. This led to a United States supreme court ruling to decide. The ruling was that denying education for these children was considered illegal. The ruling also found that these children cannot be charged with tuition for their education.
  • Convention on the Rights of the Child

    Convention on the Rights of the Child
    The rights for children were listed in many articles. It gives the children standards for the heath well-being education legal social and civil lives.
  • Immigration and Nationality Act of 1990

    Immigration and Nationality Act of 1990
    The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1990 increased immigration to the United State. This action added more diversity to the United States and its schools. Since then, there have been increases in immigration.
  • Proposition 187

    Proposition 187
    Because of illegal immigrants, California voted to pass Proposition 187. Proposition 187 was used to prohibit illegal immigrants from using benefits such as health care, public education, and other services offered in the state of California. But not many liked this idea and this lead to challenges by many groups which would result in Proposition 187 to be overturned.