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History of Multicultural Education

  • Engel v Vitale

    Engel v Vitale
    1962 Regents Prayer Violates First Amendment
  • Samuel Kirk coins phrase "learning disability"

    Samuel Kirk coins phrase "learning disability"
    Phrase "learning disability" phrase sticks. One half of all Students who receive special ed are identified as learning disabled.
  • 1965 Project Head Start

    1965 Project Head Start
    Preschool education for low income children
  • Title IX

    Title IX
    Title IX Education Amendment
    Prohibits discrimination based on sex in all aspects of education
  • Judge Arthur Garrity orders Busing in Boston

    Judge Arthur Garrity orders Busing in Boston
    Garrity orders African American students bused to predominately white schools to achieve racial integration in Boston, Mass.
  • Homeschool Movement

    Homeschool Movement
    John Holts Book encourages Homeschool Movement
  • Edwards v Aquillard et al

    Edwards v Aquillard et al
    U.S. Supreme Court strikes down Louisiana law requiring creation science be taught along with evolution
  • Proposition 227

    Proposition 227
    California passes proposition 227 stating all public school education is to be taught in English
  • Virginia Tech Shooting

    Virginia Tech Shooting
    Sueng-Hui Cho kills a total of thirty-three people, including himself. Deadliest school shooting in U.S.
  • Transgender Policy

    Transgender Policy
    Minnesota State High School adopts policy allowing transgender students to join female sports team. Minnesota becomes the 33rd state to adopt a transgender policy.