History of Multicultural Education

  • The Civil Rights Act

    The Civil Rights Act
    It prohibits discrimination based on race, color, sex, religion or national origin.
  • Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972

    Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972
    Title IX prohibits discrimination based on sex in all aspects of education.
  • U.S. Involvement in the Vietnam War Ends

    U.S. Involvement in the Vietnam War Ends
    More than 58,000 U.S. service personnel are killed in action during the war. The fighting continues until April 30, 1975 when South Vietnam surrenders to the communist North Vietnamese forces.
  • Equal Educational Opportunities Act

    Equal Educational Opportunities Act
    It prohibits discrimination and requires schools to take action to overcome barriers which prevent equal protection. The legislation has been particularly important in protecting the rights of students with limited English proficiency..
  • Federal Judge Arthur Garrity orders busing

    Federal Judge Arthur Garrity orders busing
    Federal Judge Arthur Garrity orders busing of African American students to predominantly white schools in order to achieve racial integration of public schools in Boston, MA. White parents protest, particularly in South Boston.
  • Education of All Handicapped Children Act (PL 94-142)

    Education of All Handicapped Children Act (PL 94-142)
    It requires that a free, appropriate public education, suited to the student's individual needs, and offered in the least restrictive setting be provided for all "handicapped" children. States are given until 1978 (later extended to 1981) to fully implement the law.
  • Board of Education v. Pico

    Board of Education v. Pico
    U.S. Supreme court rules that books cannot be removed from a school library because school administrators deemed their content to be offensive.
  • Microsoft Windows 1.0

    Microsoft Windows 1.0
    the first independent version of Windows, is released, setting the stage for subsequent versions that make MS-DOS obsolete.
  • Edwards v. Aguillard, et al.

    Edwards v. Aguillard, et al.
    U.S. Supreme Court strikes down a Louisiana requiring that creation science be taught along with evolution.
  • Whiteboards find their way into U.S. classrooms

    Whiteboards find their way into U.S. classrooms
    Whiteboards find their way into U.S. classrooms in increasing numbers and begin to replace the blackboard.