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"History of Multicultural Education"

  • Lev Vygotsky's book, Thought and Language is introduced to the English-speaking world

    1962 - First published in 1934, Lev Vygotsky's book, Thought and Language is introduced to the English-speaking world. Though he lives to only 38, Vygotsky's ideas regarding the social nature of learning provide important foundational principles for contemporary social constructivist theories. He is perhaps best known for his concept of "Zone of Proximal Development."
  • United States Supreme Court ENGEL v. VITALE, (1962) No. 468 Argued: April 3, 1962 Decided: June 25, 1962

    Because of the prohibition of the First Amendment against the enactment of any law "respecting an establishment of religion," which is made applicable to the States by the Fourteenth Amendment, state officials may not compose an official state prayer and require that it be recited in the public schools of the State at the beginning of each school day -