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History of Multicultural Education

  • Bilingual Public Schools

    Bilingual Public Schools
    Coral Way Elementary School starts the first bilingual and bicultural public school.
  • ESEA

    The Elementary and Secondary Education Act is passed on April 9. It provides federal funds to help low income students.
  • Title VII

    Title VII
    The Bilingual Education Act, known as Title VII, becomes law.
  • Title IX

    Title IX
    Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 becomes law. It prohibits discrimination based on sex.
  • EEOA

    The Equal Educational Opportunities Act is passed. It requires schools to prevent inequality in all forms.
  • EIEA

    The Emergency Immigrant Education Act is enacted to provide services for districts with large numbers of immigrant students.
  • Improving Schools

    Improving Schools
    The Improving America's Schools Act is signed into law. It increased funding for bilingual education and drop out prevention.
  • Prop 227

    Prop 227
    Proposition 227 passes in California, requiring all public schools to teach exclusively in English.
  • Supreme Court Ruling

    Supreme Court Ruling
    The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that race cannot be a factor in assigning students to high schools.
  • Minority becomes Majority

    Minority becomes Majority
    Minority studetns in public schools, grades K-12, outnumber non-Hispanic Caucasian students.