History Of Multicultural Education

  • Civil Rights Act

    Civil Rights Act
    I believe the passing of the civil rights act was the single most important legislation passed in the USA. It granted equal rights to all regardless of race , or back ground. This impacted multicultural education because it was the catylst for equal education.
  • Project Head Start

    Project Head Start
    I personally participated in this program in my ealry days of my education. This program help to reinforce what I was learning at home and also build on it with new concepts.
  • immigration act of 1965

    immigration act of 1965
    President Johnson signed this bill at foot of the Statue of Liberty. This bill impacted multicultural education because it did away with a system which limited the number of people that could enter the United States depending on their country of origin. Which lead to more diversity in the classrooms.
  • The Equality of Educational Opportunity Study

    The Equality of Educational Opportunity Study
    The reason I believe the was a huge win for multicultural education. Is often times the children in poor families lived in the poor parts of town as well. The didn't have access to better education. By bussing these kids to the schools they had a better opportunity to be properly educated.
  • Shirley Anita St. Hill Chisholm

    Shirley Anita St. Hill Chisholm
    Shirley Chisholm an African american educator became the forst African American women to serve in congress. I believe that this had an impact on multicutural because now for the first time you had someone of color who is an educator having an impact on laws.
  • Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972

    Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972
    The title IX Education amendment prevent discrimination based on sex. This went to any school that was receiving federal funding.
  • In the case of Milliken v. Bradley,

    In the case of Milliken v. Bradley,
    the Court held that the school systems were not responsible for desegregation across district lines unless it could be shown that they had each deliberately engaged in a policy of segregation. I think this was especially alarming for multicutural education because poor families couldnt afford to live in the suburbs and more and more white families where moving there to avoid intergration.
  • Equal Educational Opportunities Act

    Equal Educational Opportunities Act
    This law prohibited discrimination against faulculty , staff, and students. Including racial segregation and required schools to take action.
  • Federal Judge Arthur Garrity orders busing

    Federal Judge Arthur Garrity orders busing
    Judge W. Arthur Garrity ordered that Boston students be bused to desegregate schools. His decision ignited a firestorm of controversy and violence.This gave the parents of the students acess to better education for their children.
  • Plyler v. Doe

    Plyler v. Doe
    a case in which the Supreme Court of the United States struck down both a state statute denying funding for education to illegal alien children and a municipal school district's attempt to charge illegal aliens an annual $1,000 tuition fee for each illegal alien student to compensate for the lost state funding. I think this had a bad impact on multicutural education because these children remained in the USA and many couldnt afford the money to pay the illegal tution.