
HISTORY OF MONEY (Leire, Amets, Maialen)

  • 2500 BCE

    4,000 to 2,600 years ago

    Around, 2500 BC Ancient Egyptians were making metal rings which some historians think they used as money.
  • 1100 BCE


    In China, rather than exchanging objects like tools and weapons, a system of using miniature replicas of the objects to be traded were used instead of the objects themselves.
  • 670 BCE

    670 BC

    Oldest inscribed coin is produce in Turkey
  • 560 BCE

    560 B.C

    First gold coins are issued by the King of Lydia in modern day Turkey
  • 494 BCE

    494 B.C.

    First dated coin minted in Sicily and dated as year 1.
  • 310

    310 AD

    Coins are minted in Constantinople.
  • 336

    336 B.C.

    First coin showing a head of state features the image of Alexander the Great.
  • 600

    600 A.D. and 650 A.D.

    600 A.D Persian drachm issued.
    650 A.D Paper money is invented in China
  • 1242

    1242 A.D.

    The famous florin of Florence, Italy becomes a widely
    used gold coin.
  • 1300

    1300 A.D.

    A mint is built in the Tower of London. It mints coins for the next 500 years.
  • 1519

    1519 A.D.

    the Silver coin called taler is minted.
  • 1600 400 to 200 years ago

    Europeans were using more and more metal coins, made with metals taken from their colonies.
  • Canada

    Canadian colonies began to use paper money too and this innovation led to a huge increase in international trade
  • Pieces of eight

    A pirate walked into your shop he might try to pay in pieces of eight.
    A Spanish eight real coin was often split up into bits to pay for things.