History of Microscopes and Cells

  • Jansen creates first compound microscope.

    Jansen creates first compound microscope.
  • Antoni van Leeuwenhoek learns to how to assemble microscopes by grinding lenses.

  • Robert Hooke publishes, "Micrographia" which contains sketches and information about cells.

  • Francesco Redi discovers, contrary to the idea of spontaneous generation, that meat only attracts maggots, and does not spawn them.

  • Anton Von Leeuwenhook is the first to observe single cell organisms, now known as protazoa.

  • Robert Hooke reported to the Royal Society that he discovered, "little animals".

    Robert Hooke reported to the Royal Society that he discovered, "little animals".
  • Robert Brown discovers the nucleus of cells, and their importance within the cell.

    Robert Brown discovers the nucleus of cells, and their importance within the cell.
  • Schleider and Schwann begin their work on the Cell Theory

    Schleider and Schwann begin their work on the Cell Theory
  • Albrecht von Roelliker discovers that sperm and eggs cells are cells.

  • Rudolf publishes, "Biogenic Law" stating that all cells must rise from other cells, and that disease affects cells.

  • Pringsheim observed how a sperm cell penetrates an egg cell.

  • Kolliker discovers mitochondria.

  • Rudolf Virchow adds to the Cell Theory, saying that all living things must rise from other living things.

    Rudolf Virchow adds to the Cell Theory, saying that all living things must rise from other living things.
  • Louis Pasteur disproves the widely accepted idea of spontaneous generation, using his famous experiment using maggots and meat.

  • Mitosis is discovered by Walther Flemmings.

  • Flemming discovers the behavior of chromosomes during mitosis.

  • August Weissman proposes the change< "Biogenic Law" saying that cells can also trace ancestry back to the beginning of time.

  • Golgi discovers the Golgi Aparatus.

  • Louis Pasteur in Robert Kosh study bacteria.

  • Using the phase angle of cells, Fritz Zernike discovered how to view unstained cells.