The History of Soda

  • 1798 The term "soda water" was first coined.

    1798 The term "soda water" was first coined.
    The first term for the soda that we know now was "soda water"
  • The first soda water was bottled in the U.S.

    The first soda water was bottled in the U.S.
    The first bottled soda was made in the U.S.
  • The first cola-flavored beverage was introduced.

    The first cola-flavored beverage was introduced.
    The most common flavor of soda "cola" was first introduced.
  • The Invention of "Coca-Cola"

    The Invention of "Coca-Cola"
    Dr. John S. Pemberton invented "Coca-Cola" in Atlanta, Georgia.
  • The first aluminum cans were used.

    The first aluminum cans were used.
    After using glass bottles for soda they are now using aluminum cans.
  • Soft drinks in cans was dispensed from vending machines.

    Soft drinks in cans was dispensed from vending machines.
    Instead of dispensing soda into cups, they now dispense it in cans.
  • Plastic bottles are used for soft drinks.

     Plastic bottles are used for soft drinks.
    After using glass bottle to aluminum cans, they are now using plastic bottles with resealable tops.