Period: Feb 1, 1519 to Aug 13, 1521
The History of Mexico
Texas wins independence:When a coalition army of spanish forces and native tlaxcalan warriors led by hernan cortes xicotencatle the younger captured the emperor cuguhtemoc and tenochtitlan the capital of the aztec empire -
Apr 1, 1519
The History of Mexico
The campaign began in February 15 19 and was declared victorious on August 13, 1521, when a coalition army of Spanish forces and native Tlaxican Warriors led by Hernan Cortes xicotencatl the younger captured the cuguhtemoc and Tenochtitlan the capital of the Aztec Empire. -
The History of Mexico
Spain wanted Mexico, but Mexico said no. So, Mexico and Spain have a war in Mexico won the war so they get to have the land. -
Texas Wins Independence from Mexico
Texas won independence on March 2nd 1836 when they defeated Mexico in a war because Mexico wanted Texas property. -
Mexico-American War
THe Mexican American War was in April 25, 1846- February 2,1848. The wars happened in Texas, New Mexico, California, Northern Cenntral and Eastern Mexico, and Mexico City. -
Battle of Puebla
The battle of Puebla took place on May 5, 1862 near the city of Puebla during the French intervention in Mexico. -
Mexican Revolution
The Mexican Revolution which begin November 20,1910. the Mexican Revolution or Mexican Civil War (Spanish Guerra Civil Mexicana ) w
as a major armed struggle that started in 1910. the year 2010 marked the centennial of the Mexican Revolution an uprising that took place roughly between 1910 and 1920.