3300 BCE
Medicine in Prehistory
Primitive man believed that all natural objects had life. Magic-religious phase. Plants, minerals, and parts of animals were used to heal through rituals.
Imagen tomada de:
https://www.elmundo.es/television/programacion-tv/peliculas/7147378_los-croods-una-aventura-prehistorica.html -
3150 BCE
Medicine in Old Age
The Ancient Age data found shows medicine in different cultures such as Āyurveda medicine from India, ancient Egypt, ancient China and Greece.
Imagen tomada de: https://www.google.com.co/search?q=hercules%20disney&tbm=isch#imgrc=5hFIKAkeJcSD4M -
1200 BCE
Ancient Greece Medicine
Aristotle, the most influential thinker in the European world since ancient times, made countless observations in nature.
Imagen tomada de: https://co.pinterest.com/pin/732538695609353998/ -
146 BCE
Ancient Greece Medicine
Hippocratic School thinking "the disease was the result of an imbalance in the body"
Imagen tomada de:
https://aminoapps.com/c/percy-jackson-espanol/page/blog/filoctetes-satiro-o-heroe/JWbj_LWTdu1Wqv6dYnmMQEBMQ4NRqx8bR -
Medicine in Middle Age
Plutarch the first doctor of Rome, Sorano of Ephesus, the egregious Gynecologist, one of the most brilliant of antiquity.
Imagen tomada de: https://www.cineycine.com/cine/10-heroes-de-disney/robin-hood-disney/ -
Medicine in Modern Age
Rebirth Medicine: Leonardo da Vinci great anatomist of the time.
Imagen tomada de: https://www.pinterest.es/pin/92816442307628542/ -
Medicine in Contemporary Age
The stethoscope was invented by René Théophile in 1819.
Imagen tomada de: https://www.google.com.co/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2Fpin%2F482800022533387030%2F&psig=AOvVaw2zoz6SfBvMJ3JpYfhx38xe&ust=1584563042085000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAIQjRxqFwoTCMDenbarougCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAI -
Medicine in Twentieth Century
The penicillin was discovered by Alexander Fleming
Imagen tomada de: http://www.sensacine.com/peliculas/pelicula-129003/fotos/detalle/?cmediafile=19220624 -
Future Medicine
Organs made from 3D printers, brain implants, genetic manipulation for disease management.
Imagen tomada de: https://www.reelingreviews.com/meettherobinsons.htm