4000 BCE
4000 BC – 3000 B Primitive Times
- Illness and diseases were caused by the evil spirits.
- Tribal doctors cured illnesses by doing ceremonies.
- They used herbs and plants like morphine and digitalis.
- Life span is about 20 years.
1700 BCE
1700 BC – AD 220 Ancient Chinese
- The way to cure the body is by curing the spirit.
- Started researching for medical reasons for illness.
- The life span during this time period was 20-30 years.
1200 BCE
1200 BC –200 BC Ancient Greeks
- Hippocrates and other physicians.
- Researching the body and the effects of disease led to modern medical sciences.
- Illness was a result of natural cause.
- Used art therapy, herbal treatment and massages.
- Life span was 25-35 years during this time period.
753 BCE
753 BC – AD 410 Ancient Romans
- First to start providing care.
- Hospitals are religious and charitable institutions in monasteries and convents.
- Made the first public health and sanitation systems by making sewers and aqueducts.
- Galen made a belief that the body is regulated by 4 humors, blood, phlegm, black bile and yellow bile.
- Life span was about 25-35 years.
AD 400 – AD 800 Dark Ages
- Saving the soul and studying medicine was prohibited.
- Prayers and divine intervention was used to treat illness and diseases.
- Monks and priests provide care for sick people.
- Medicine was herbal mixtures.
- Life span was about 20-30 years.
AD 800 – AD 1400 Middle Ages
- Greeks and Romans renewed the interest in medical practices.
- Small pox, diphtheria, tuberculosis, typhoid, plaque and malaria.
- Life span was 20-35 years.
AD 1350 – AD 1650 Renaissance
- Rebirth of science medicine.
- Body dissections caused people to have a increased understanding of anatomy and physiology.
- The disease is still a mystery.
- Life span is 30-40 years.
16th and 17th Centuries
- Not many people had knowledge on the human body.
- Apothecaries created, prescribed and sold medications.
- The invention of the microscope.
- Cause of the disease is still not known, many have died because of it causing infections.
- Life span 35-45 years.
18th Century
- The first mercury thermometer was created by Gabriel Fahrenheit.
- Benjamin Franklin invented bifocals.
- John Hunter created scientific surgical procedures and introduced tube feeding.
- The small pox vaccine was discovered. The average life span was 40-50 years.
19th Century
- X ray was discovered.
- Rapid advancements due to discoveries of microorganisms, anesthesia and vaccinations.
- The first ever heart surgery was done.
- The stethoscope was invented.
- The average life span was 40-60 years.
20th Century
- There was a rapid growth in health care.
- Many new medications and machines were discovered.
- Surgical and diagnostic techniques developed to cure once fatal conditions.
3000 BC – 300 BC Ancient Egyptians
- Physicians were priests.
- The first health records were recorded by the Ancient Egyptians.
- Bloodletting and leches was the most used medical treatment during this time.
- The life span during this time was about 20-30 years.