4000 BCE
Primitive Time
- Illness and disease were thought to be caused by evil spirits, demons, or punishment from the Gods
- Trepanation, A surgical procedure that consists of drilling and removing a circular piece of bone, commonly from the human skull
- Medicine during this time was herbs and plants (Morphine and Digitalis)
- Tribal witch doctors would treat them with ceremonies
- Average life span: 20 years
3000 BCE
Ancient Egyptians
- During this time physicians were priests They were also the first to record their patient's history
- Bloodletting also known as leeches was used as a medical treatment. This treatment involves cutting a vein or artery usually at the elbow or knee. This would cure numerous illnesses and symptoms.
- Average life span: 20 to 30 years
1700 BCE
Ancient Chinese
- Believe in nourishing the body as well as curing the spirit in order to treat the whole body
- Pharmacopoeia is a book of drugs that shows the purpose of the drug. The ancient Chinese were the first to record a pharmacopeia
- Acupuncture was used in therapies, Acupuncture is putting a thin needle into the skin as a form of treatment
- Started to look for a medical reason for the illness
- Average life span: 20 to 30 years
1200 BCE
Ancient Greeks
- Hippocrates, was a Greek physician who is considered the father of medicine because of the many books he wrote
- During this time period, They started to observe the human body and how disease affects the human body. This led to modern medical science
- Thought illness were natural causes
- Treatment that the therapist would use are massage, art therapy, and herbal They prevented disease through a stressed diet, hygiene, and exercise.
- Average life span: 25 to 35 years
753 BCE
Ancient Romans
- First to provide care for injured soldiers
- Later hospitals were religious and charitable institutions in monasteries and convents
- Build sewers and aqueducts for public health and sanitation system
- Galen, a Greek physician, established the belief that the body was regulated by four body humors; blood, phlegm, black bile, and yellow bile
- Average life span 25 to 35 years
Dark Ages
- Focus on saving the soul instead of studying medicine
- Treatments were prayer and divine intervention
- Monks and priests cared for the sick
- Medicine at this time was herbal mixtures
- Disease causes are still blamed on circumstance
- Average life span 20 to 30 years
Middle Ages
- Practice in Greek and Romans
- Bubonic Plague also known as the Black Death was a pandemic. Caused and spread from bite of infected flea that cause an infection of the lymphatic system. Killed 70% of the total population of Europe and Asia
- Major disease were smallpox, diphtheria, tuberculosis, typhoid, the plaque, and malaria
- Medical universities was established in the 9th century
- Arabs were required physicians to pass examination and obtain licenses
- Average life span 20 to 35 years
- Renewal of the science of medicine
- Anatomy and physiology become more known from body dissection
- Medical knowledge became more known to the pubic because of the invention of printing press
- Andreas Vesalius published the first anatomy book called Tabulae Anatomicae Sex
- Average life span 30 to 40 years
- Disease are still a mystery
16th and 17th Century
- the invention of the microscope that allows one to see disease-causing organism
- Apothecaries which were pharmacists made, prescribed, and sold medicine
- Ambroise Pare was a French barber surgeon and known as the father of modern surgery, use ligatures to tied off blood vessels to stop the bleeding
- Average life span 35 to 45 years
- Many people died from infection but cause of disease was still no known
18th Century
- Gabriel Fahrenheit was a physicist, inventor, and scientific instrument maker, He created the first mercury thermometer
- Edward Jenner made the smallpox vaccine in 1798
- John Hunter was a British surgeon, his study found new surgical procedures, orthopaedic surgery, and feeding tube
- Benjamin Franklin invented bifocals which are glasses that feature two different optical powers in one lens
- Average life span 40 to 50 years
19th Century
- Discovery in microorganisms, anesthesia, and vaccinations
- Dr.William performed the first open-heart surgery in 1893
- Discovered that microorganisms were associated with disease by Infection control, Louis Pasteur and Joseph Lister both helped to prevent infections
- René Laennec invented the stethoscope in 1816, the first version was a rolled-up paper tube and using it as a funnel
- Many women became nurses to help with the military
- Average life span 40 to 60 years
20th Century
-Found ABO blood group & the role of white blood cells
-Research in gene therapy & DNA
-Treated diabetes with insulin & infection with antibiotics
-X-ray, kidney dialysis machine, and heart-lung machine were discover
-Surgical & diagnostic techniques cure once fatal conditions
-Initiated embryonic stem cell research
-Louise Joy Brown was the first test tube baby
-Transplants include bone marrow, kidney, liver, heart, and the first artificial heart
-Vaccines for 16 disease was discovered -
21th Century
-The first totally implantable artificial heart happened in 2001
-The human genome project goal was to decode the chemical sequence of genetic material
-Turn HIV from deadly to a manageable chronic disease
-Targeted cancer therapy targets cancer cells and kills the cancer cell
-Laparoscopic surgery consists of putting a camera in the belly to check organs
-Smoke-free laws help reduce 2nd hand smoke
-Face transplant is replacing the face of someone
-Vaccine discovered for HIV, malaria, and Ebola