Period: 500 to Dec 31, 1300
Middle ages
First Pharmacy
Baghdad first hospital is established -
Discovered the difference between smallpox and measles. -
Hildegard of Bingen
Known to be the creator of natural science of natural history. -
Medical education in universities
Frederick II created standards for medical education in colleges. -
Islamic hospitals:healthcare for the sick
medical healthcare becomes regulated. -
Period: Jan 1, 1301 to
Royal College of Physicians of London
Is founded and known as one pf the best early medical schools. -
Tropical Medicine
Tropical medicine is created in India. -
Zacharius Jannssen
He invents the microscope. -
William Harvey
Writes a book describing how blood is pumped through our body. -
Sir Christopher Wren
Administers the first blood transfusion with canines. -
Period: to
Industrial Revolution
James Lind
Creates cure for the disease known as "The Scurve". -
Edward Jenner
Develops a method to protect people from Smallpox. -
René Laënnec
Invented the Stethoscope. -
Nitrous Oxide
It starts to get used as an anesthetic. -
Antiseptic principle of surgey
One of the largest developments in medical history. -
Period: to
Modern world
Edward Mellanby
Discovers Vitamin D. -
first insulin for diabetes
The insulin is used the first time to help with diabetes. -
First vaccine for Tetanus is created. -
Yellow Fever
First vaccine for yellow fever is created. -
Paul Zoll
Creates the first pacemaker. -
First human drafted genome -
Period: to
21st Century
Mini-liver is generated from blood -
embryonic stem cells
Scientists create this using other human skin cells. -
Zora Janzekovic
Is a pioneer of helping burn victims everywhere. -
Thomas Manning
First cancer patient to receive a pelvic transplant.