501 BCE
Hippoctrates was the founder of medicine. He was the greatest physician of his time because he discovered medicine. Also he based his medical practice on observations and on the study of the human body. He had a belief that illness had a physical and a rational explanation. -
Period: 500 to Dec 31, 1300
Middle Ages
Dental Amalgams
One of the most important contributions to medicine from medieval China was to creation of amalgams for dental procedures. In the year 659, the first use of a substance for tooth fillings, which was made up of silver and tin. -
Hospitals emerging
In the Arabic world hospitals emerged in the 8th century as more secular institutions, and in larger cities they could be staffed by dozens of physicians, had several wards for different illnesses. -
The first pharmacy
It was established in Baghdad. Pharmacies proved to be very popular and more drug stores soon opened up around the Arabic world. By the 12th century they could be found in Europe. -
Discovered the difference between smallpox and measles -
Period: Jan 1, 1301 to
Minerals and chemicals
First time that Chemicals and Minerals were demonstrated that they could be safely used in the human body. Also it was found that diseases and health depended on how a person’s body was in harmony with nature rather than. -
Humans Diseases may have been caused by pathogens. It would spread by human direct and indirect contact. -
Ambroise Pare´
Ambroise Pare´ was a french surgeon and a anatomist and an inventor of surgical instruments. -
The Black Death
During the Renaissance period, common diseases included leprosy, smallpox and the dreaded Black Death. The Black Death troubled people from time to time. It was a very dangerous disease. -
Giovanni Bonomo
Giovanni Cosimo Bonomo discovered the scabies mite as the known cause the itch making scabies one of the first diseases with a known cause. -
Period: to
Industrial Revolution
The first vaccines were tested and for diseases like chlorea and small pox. This was one of the greatest evolution's that would change the world forever. -
Rene Lanennec
The first Stethoscope was invented by a guy named Rene Theophile Hyacinthe Laennec. It grew very popular and helped out a lot of people around the world. -
Wilhelm Conrad
Wilhelm Conrad Roetgen was the first person to discover the X-ray. He was doing an experiment with light and rays so he made the x-ray. -
Malria is found through Mosquito's
In 1897 the first time malaria was demonstrated that it comes from mosquito´s and it was getting a lot of people sick. -
Aspirin was invented
In a 1899 aspirin came around and it was one of the most used medicines in the world. -
Period: to
Modern World
The Spanish flu
In 1918 the Spanish flu had a outbreak it spreaded all over the world infecting 500 million people. 50 million people died in two years. -
For the first time insulin was used to treat diabetes. -
Alexander Fleming
Scottish Bacteriologist Sir Alexander Fleming Discovers Penicillin. -
Christiaan Barnard
In 1967 a guy named Christiaan Barnard preformed a heart transplant. -
HIV that causes AIDS
In 1983 for the first time ever HIV that causes AIDS was identified. -
Period: to
21st century
Bionic Prosthetics
In 2007 one of the first Bionic Prosthetics hands was launched. So People who have lost hand or are born without them now have the opportunity to replace that missing piece of their body with a fully functional device. -
Controlling Heart Disease
Thanks to advancements in the area of cardiovascular health, deaths due to heart disease have dropped significantly over the past 10 years. -
Completion of the Human Genome Draft
In 2013, scientists completed the first ever draft that sequenced the human genome. Information from DNA is used to develop new ways to treat, cure, or even prevent thousands of diseases affecting humankind. -
HIV treatments
Stribild, a medication approved for HIV patients in 2013, combined four HIV antiretroviral medications into one dose, which was even more effective in controlling the symptoms for these patients. -
John Adler
In 2014 a guy named John Adler invented cyberknife. The cyberknife has opened up a whole new wave of treating patients. Surgeries that are not possible through conventional methods might be possible with the cyberknife because of the minimally invasive techniques it employs.