history of medicine

  • Period: 200 to

    history of medicine

  • Period: 500 to Sep 9, 1500

    Middle Ages

  • Sep 11, 754

    First Pharmacies and Drug stores were established

    They were not state regulated
  • Sep 11, 1240

    emperor Frederic II issued a decree by which the physician's and the apothecary's professions were separated

  • Sep 11, 1250

    the dicovery that arsenious oxide, and silicic acid are aquainted. It was made clear the distinction between sodium carbonate and potassium carbonate, and drew attention to the poisonous nature of copper compounds

  • Sep 9, 1500

    baber-surgeons cut hair and perform surgery: making the baberpole popular

    baber-surgeons cut hair and perform surgery: making the baberpole popular
    Your barber could both cut your hair and perform surgery on you
    The pole was left over from the time when they were both barbers and surgeons
  • Period: to

    The Renaissance

  • the invention of the printing press

    made spreading new health care information easier
  • the creation of the scientific method

    The scientific method made the health profession not as much of a guessing game. They used observation and careful note taking to narrow down diseases and health issues
  • The creation of the microscope

    The creation of the microscope
    made more accurate observations of the patients and the symptoms the patient was experiencing
  • William Harvey published his new theory that the heart acts as a muscular pump which circulates blood around the body in the blood vessels

  • The start fo the study of human anatomy

    This proffesion helped correct many beliefs
  • Period: to

    The Industrial Revolution

  • Edward Jenner begasn inoculating people with the fluid from cowpox blisters, thus beginning the practice of vaccination

  • Joseph lister practices of medical aspesis

  • Lois Paseur carried out experiments that bacame the basis for modern microbiology

  • Joseph Listerwas ridiculed for insisting on the iseof carbolic soap to disinfect insturments and clean hands before docotrs moved to another patient

    Today we call his practice the practice of disinfecting surgical equipment and hand washing as a way to prevent the spread of infection
  • discovery of pathogens

    discovery of pathogens
    start of modern day bacteria
  • Marie Curie discovers science of radioactivity

  • Period: to

    Modern World

  • electronic health records

    instant transmission and information
  • Jean-Michel Dubernard performs the first partial face transplant

  • First HPV vaccine approved

  • Second rotavirus vaccine approved (first was withdrawn)

  • First human liver grown from stem cells in Japan

  • First kidney grown in vitro in the U.S.

  • Rhazes discovered the diffeence between smallpox and measles