History of medicine

  • Period: 500 BCE to Dec 31, 1300

    middle ages

  • 900


    A Persian doctor named Rhazes found the difference in smallpox and measles by keeping notes on their cases.
  • 1000

    medicare regulations

    medical care became more stricter
  • 1300


    The christian church also encouraged followers to help the sick and needy
  • Period: Jan 1, 1301 to


  • 1400

    Womens rights denied

    Jacoba Felicie tried to practice medicine and was denied for her licences
  • 1500


    The invention of the printing press made it more quickly to publish new medical discoveries and get it to people faster.
  • 1540

    The barber-Surgeon

    The barber-Surgeon
    The barber cut more than hair, they would treat you cataracts and practiced phlebotomy
  • scientific method

    The scientific method spreaded to Europe. It was a major change of how people thought about medical and research.
  • The discovery of the plague fleas

    Francis Bacon discovered the plague fleas by the microscope
  • Invention of the microscope

    Invention of the microscope
    The microscope allowed more accurate observations of patients symptoms. Doctors can propose and test an experiment from the microscope
  • Robert Hooke

    Was the one of the first person to create a reflecting microscope.
  • Edward Jenner

    Edward Jenner
    started to inculcating people with the fluid of cowpox blisters this started the practice of vaccination.
  • the x- ray

    the x- ray
    Wilhelm Conrad discovered the x-ray he was experimenting and he saw that rays were emitted in the current of the discharge tubes.
  • Louis Pasteur

    carried out experiments that became a basis for modern medicine microbiology
  • Period: to

    industrial Revelation

  • Typhoid Mary

    Is a disease that inflames the intestines it spreaded through water. One of the best known cases is Mary Mallon which is know called they typhoid Mary
  • Joseph Lister

    Joseph Lister
    he insisted for using soap to disinfecting tools and clean hands before dealing with a patients.
  • Period: to

    modern times

  • organ treatments

    organ treatments
    Are now conman, and are safer and more successful
  • the Human genome project

    Identify the tons of genes in the human DNA. This is helped different treatment and individuals drugs.
  • discoveries

    discoveries of electronics and computers science. advances of engineering, chemistry. New antibiotics. Cancer treatment was discovered.
  • Iran Frazer

    He invented the HPV vaccine. The HPV vaccine helps prevent cancer
  • electronic health records

    electronic health records
    Has provide instant transmission of information. Doctors and patients can not even be in the same room nor the same country to give advice and treatment.