History of Medicine

  • Period: 500 to Dec 31, 1300

    Middle ages

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  • Jan 1, 754


    The first pharmacy was established in Baghdad due to high population demands. Pharmacy's became extremely popular and soon spread to the rest of the Middle East and Europe.
  • Jan 1, 1231

    medical education

    in 1231 Fredrick the II made a set of laws forcing medical education and training creating some of the first universitys of medicine and popularizing licensing exams.
  • Jan 1, 1277


    The idea of keeping patients that seem to be able to pass their disease in a separate area with only physicians was in wide spread use. This practice is used to this day with uncontrollable diseases.
  • Jan 1, 1290

    Theodoric Borgognoni

    Was the first to use disinfected bandages by dipping them in wine and the first to clean wounds before covering them. He would also go on to be the first surgeon to incapacitate his patients by using an opined dipped sponge.
  • Jan 1, 1300


    The idea that there was one area in which all ill or injured people could go to receive treatment. This leads to great medical advancement because of being able to have all patients in one area to more closely advise their medical condition.
  • 1301


  • 1301


  • Period: Jan 1, 1301 to


  • Jan 1, 1315

    Anathomia corporis humani

    This is was a book of modern dissection that taught physicians of the time the inner working of the human body.
  • Jan 1, 1342

    systemic circulation

    We were finally able to understand exactly how the heart is able to pump blood to the entire body and how it gets there.
  • Jan 1, 1515

    Leonardo Da Vinci

    One of the first bio mechanical researchers (study of how bones, muscle, and tendons make the body function) and created over 200 illustrations of proper functions.
  • Jan 1, 1553

    Girolamo Fracastoro

    Suggested that epidemics may come from outside the body and be passed from person to person through direct or indirect contact.
  • Jan 1, 1580

    Ambroise Pare

    Surgeon for four Kings in which he discovered the root of pain was some sort of reaction that went to the brain and if you sedate the patient enough they will no longer feel pain.
  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

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  • Stethoscope

    When seeing two boys put their ears on the side of a log while the other knocked gave Dr. Theople an idea to listen to peoples heart beat that way.
  • James Blundell

    The first successful blood transfusion.
  • Germs

    The idea of germs was at one point laughed at and mocked until Louis Pastures idea for getting rid of cholera worked and doctors who followed Pastures practice saw their patients survived at a much higher rate in surgery.
  • Louis Pasture

    A scientist who was able to prove the existence of germs and by doing so cure the cholera epidemic, Anthrax, and even rabies.
  • x-ray

    The first x-ray was done by Whilem Conrad who used discharge tubes in a dark area which illuminated a covered screen creating the very first x-ray.
  • Period: to

    Modern World

  • Blood Type

    Physicians realize only some blood transfusions are compatible with others giving them the name we know today A,B, O
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  • vitamins

    Vitamins are discovered by Fredrick Hopkins later earning the noble peace prize.
  • insulin

    Insulin is first used to treat diabetes leading doctors to the best known diabetic treatment and extending lives exponentially
  • Dr. John H Gibbon Jr.

    The first surgical operation successfully preformed while the patients lungs and heart jobs were done by machine.
  • Parent less child birth

    The first test tube baby is born opening the door to birth without a human carrier.
  • Period: to

    21st Century

  • man made organs

    The first man made kidney is created in New Castle out of a blood coil
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  • Revert cells

    Scientists learn how to revert skin cells back to stem cells.
  • Kidney free living

    The FDA allows trials of machine that acts in place of kidneys by purifying blood.
  • Mammoth DNA

    A spliced Mammoth DNA was combined with an Elephants DNA then the Elephants DNA was removed to make the first complete set of Mammoth DNA.