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History of Medical Abortions

  • Discovery of the Abortion Pill

    Discovery of the Abortion Pill
    Miferpristone (also known as the abortion pill and RU486) was discovered by the French research chemist Alain Belanger and his team in 1980. image: "pill tablet." Photograph. August 26, 2008.. Web. 7 Nov 2011.
  • Frech government allows distribution of RU-486

    Frech government allows distribution of RU-486
    The abortion pill Mifepristone was first licensed in France in 1988. Some people disagree with the use of it, but by 1990, one fourth of all abourtions were with RU-486
    image: "vive la france." Photograph. Gisela Giardino. flickr, July 8, 2006.. Web. 7 Nov 2011.
  • FDA approves RU-486 in the U.S.

    FDA approves RU-486 in the U.S.
    FDA, the Food and Drug Administration approved the use of RU-486 in September, 2000.
    image: "USA Flag." Photograph. Ian Britton. flickr, March 3, 2005 . Web. 7 Nov 2011.