First Elevator
Two architects By the name of Burton, and Homer built what they called "The Ascending Room". It was originally used to give paying visitors a lift to a platform giving them a panoramic view of London. Now it is used mostly in Hotels, and large buildings.
https://www.thoughtco.com/history-of-the-elevator-1991600 -
First generator
The first generator was created by Michael Faraday in August of 1831. It was created from a tube of neutral material connected with a coil of wire that was insulated in cotton, with a bar magnet.
https://www.rigb.org/our-history/iconic-objects/iconic-objects-list/faraday-generator -
First refrigerator
The first working "vapor-compression" refrigerating system was created. Then they created the first ice-making refrigerator in 1854.
https://www.materials.sandvik/en-us/campaigns/fridge-of-the-future/the-history-of-the-refrigerator/ -
Solar Panel
The first solar panel was created by Alexandre Edmond Becquerel. He discovered the "photo-voltaic effect" which explained how to conduct electricity from sunlight, when he then made the solar panel.
https://www.energymatters.com.au/panels-modules/ -
First turbine/ Windmill
The first ever windmill created in the United States was by Danielle Halladay. They played a key role in the expansion of the railroads because water was required for the operation of the early steam powered engines.
http://www.thirdplanetwind.com/energy/history.aspx -
First Escalator
Nathan Ames created the first escalator which he called revolving stairs in 1859. Now the largest escalator is in Hong Kong, and it is 2,600 feet tall.
https://www.wonderopolis.org/wonder/who-invented-escalators/ -
The First Mechanical Engineering School
Mechanical engineering had a Laboratory dedicated to them on January 19, 1894, That was the first Mechanical Engineering Building. A few days after the dedication, there was an explosion in the boiler room, and the building burned to the ground with the exception of the Wood Shop, and the Foundry.
(http://www.timetoast.com) https://engineering.purdue.edu/ME/AboutUs/History -
First car Engine
The first gas engine was created by Carl Benz. It was a one cylinder 2 stroke, and it was first ran on New Years of 1879.
https://www.daimler.com/company/tradition/company-history/1885-1886.html -
Heavilon Hall
After the first building burned to the ground, President Smart of The University Chapel Vowed to rebuild it the next morning "one brick higher". The new building was reported to be 9 bricks higher than the original one, and later it was named "Heavilon Hall".
(http://www.timetoast.com) https://engineering.purdue.edu/ME/AboutUs/History -
First Air Conditioner Unit
Willis Carrier created the first Air conditioner unit, which sent air through water-cooled coils, It was not aimed at human comfort. It was originally designed to control humidity in the place that he worked at.
https://slate.com/culture/2013/07/a-history-of-air-conditioning.html -
First Jet engine
The first jet engine was created by Hans von Ohain from Germany. The credit for creating it went Frank Whittle from Great Britain.
https://cs.stanford.edu/people/eroberts/courses/ww2/projects/jet-airplanes/planes.html -
American Railway Association Building
It was a building near the current Mechanical Engineering building, and it allowed the people from the first building to perform research on railway draft gears. The building contained a $40,000 vertical testing machine, and it was built for approximately $25,000.
https://engineering.purdue.edu/ME/AboutUs/History -
Renovation of Building
The southeast, and main wing of the building was renovated at a total cost of $2,504,600 which is the most that they spent renovating the building.
https://engineering.purdue.edu/ME/AboutUs/History -
Improved school
The was to add to the house, an Atrium which was 4,000 square ft, 5 new classrooms that were 8,880 square ft total, 8 new research labs that were 19,204 square ft total, 4 instructional lab facilities that were 12,986 square ft, and support facilities for faculty, staff, and students 10,230 square ft.
(http://www.timetoast.com) https://engineering.purdue.edu/ME/AboutUs/History -
Most paying Job
The current most high paying job in this field is a "Federal Aviation Administrator" in College Park, GA. The pay ranges from $79,400 at the lowest to $123,000 being the most a year.