MCC Newcastle meets for the first time!
MCC Newcastle meets for the first time in Jesmond, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Sixteen people attend. A new church is born! -
Regular Sunday worship begins
Regular Sunday worship begins. Word is spreading fast and a core membership begins to form. -
The church moves to St. James URC
The church moves to St. James URC, where we still meet today. Back then we met in an upper room and settled in very quickly thanks to our new host’s welcome and generosity. We also kept on growing! -
We officially became part of the MCC denomination.
We officially became part of the MCC denomination. By now regular attendance had grown to more than 20 and we were beginning to feel cramped in the upstairs room! -
We moved into the Church Hall.
We moved into the Church Hall. This was a massive leap of faith! -
First Pastor.
MCC Newcastle elected its first Pastor. Welcome Rev. Cecilia Eggleston. -
MCC Newcastle adopted its Core Values and Mission Statement
MCC Newcastle adopted its Core Values and Mission Statement. From here we began to describe ourselves as “fabulous and beautiful.” This idea has stuck! Check out our Mission Statement and Core Values -
We moved into the Main Church!
We moved into the Main Church at St.James URC as we were getting too big for the hall! This was another leap of faith. We chose Easter Sunday as our moving day. -
Bedrock Beliefs
Check out our Bedrock Beliefs. Members and friends of MCC Newcastle gathered together to write our Bedrock Beliefs, describing the fundamental basics of our beliefs as a faith community. Check out our Bedrock Beliefs -
MCC Church Size Summit
MCC Newcastle hosted the MCC Church Size Summit, the only one to take place in Europe so far. -
General Conference
Members of MCC Newcastle travelled to Chicago for General Conference. Both our Lay Delegate and our Pastor were asked to give workshops. We even sent one of our talented musicians to perform a solo! -
Re-naming Service
MCC Newcastle has now changed its name to Northern Lights MCC. We offer light and hope to those who need it. Our new name signifies a public commitment to do this and to continue to turn our compassion into action.