History of Mathematics

  • ICMI Study

    The role of historical analysis in predicting and interpreting students' difficulties in mathematics and the relevance of historical studies in designing and analysing classroom activities.
  • Pepe

    An historian of mathematics, who wrote:
    'Today the issue of the relationship between history and didactics of mathematics may be put in a very effective way, more
    effective than in the past: they are autonomous from each other and may cooperate to the development and to the diffusion of
    mathematical culture.
  • Conference in Essen

    Historians and didacticians met to present their own contributions. The dialogue was continued in the History and Pedagogy of Mathematics Group. Starting from the basic issue that the use of history in teaching mathematics involves different characters: researchers in history, researchers in education, teachers, students
  • Jahnke et al

    History of mathematics is considered by many as fundamental research, and integrating history into teaching idea is misleading. The significance of history lies in its contribution to the general culture. Even more than for general history, it is true for history of science that the fundamental relation to culture is bounded to what is termed "Bildung" in Germany.
  • Furinghetti

    The role of historians would be mainly of interpreting and mediating sources; some of them who are sensible of pedagogical problems point out specific situations suitable to a didactic transposition
  • Furinghetti

    Supports the idea of using history as a mediator to pursue the objectives of mathematics education.