History of Mathematics

  • 3000 BCE

    Egyptian Number System

    The ancient Egyptians improved their tally system by choosing more number symbols and stringing. These were called the hieroglyphic
  • 2000 BCE

    Babylonian Number System

    Their number system was based on two wedge-shapes symbols, known as cuneiform
  • 600 BCE


    The first to have a theorem named after him
  • 400 BCE


    Made many discoveries in geometry
  • 400 BCE

    Mayan Number System

    Their number system had two symbols. A dot that represented 1 and a bar that presented the number 5. These were written veritcally.
  • 350 BCE


    Discovered the 5 Platonic solids
  • 300 BCE


    Considered geometry and arithmetic the two most important mathematical sciences.
  • 300 BCE

    Euclid of Alexandria

    Known for The Elements that introduced Euclidean geometry
    He gave the proof for the fundamental theorem of arithmetic
  • 150 BCE


    Known for Diophantus equations
  • 127 BCE


    The father of trigonometry
  • 400


    Know for her work in math textbooks
    redefined several scientific instruments
  • 400

    Roman Numerals

    Their number system included letters that all had different values and only certain letters could be paired with certain letters.
  • 520


    Know as the father of Indian Mathematics and his approximation of pi (62832/20000),
  • 600

    HIndu-Arabic Number System

    This our everyday numbers we use in our everyday lives.
  • 628


    Known for the introduction to the symbol for zero
  • 820

    Muhammad Al-Khwarizmi

    The Father of Alegbra
    Known for his book Ab-Jar
    Developed a method for solving linear & quadratic equations.
  • 1202

    Leonardo Pisano

    Developed Fibonacci sequence
    Popularized the Arabic number system
  • 1535


    Known for his discovery of the solution to the cubic equation
  • 1580


    Has been called the Father of modern algebraic notation
  • Pierre de Fermat

    Discover Fermat's last Theorem
  • Sir Isaac Newton

    The father of Calculus
  • Euler

    Discovered e as the base for natural logs
  • Goldbach

    Known for the Goldbach conjecture that was made to Euler.
  • Euler

    He was the first to introduce the notation for a function f(x)
  • Carl Friedrich Gauss

    invented the idea of congruences in numbers what he called modulos.