History of mathematical functions and equations. By: Juliana Estrada, Laura Aguilera, Juan Briñez and Carolina Sánchez 9C
8000 BCE
Ancient Greece
They used particular functions,
they make relations between two
sets and not only by the formula. -
8000 BCE
This timeline is about the history of mathematical equations and functions, as we can see since ancient civilizations functions and equations played an important role. Functions and equations constantly evolve trough time thanks big mathematics like Galileo Galilei, Nicole Oresme, etc. that with their contributions help to trigger the definition of function and equation that we use nowadays, but not only that, they gave us a tool to do calculations that answer to quotidian problems. -
2300 BCE
In Babilonia along time ago,people did tables with
squares, cubes and the inverse of the natural
numbers. Those tables are the definition of the
function of N in N or N in R.They knew specific
functions but not the
abstract and modern
concept of function. -
1600 BCE
Mesopotamy and Babylon
Matemathycs form
Mesopotamy and Babylon were
already able to answer
equations -
1500 BCE
The Egiptians developed an
elmentary algebra used to
solve everyday problems.This method used in the
solution of firs-degre equations
was called "false position
method". -
300 BCE
The Greek mathematician Diophantus
from Alexandria published his
arithmetic where for th first time in
Greece the first-degree equations
were treated. -
The Chinese wrote a book
in wich the proposed
different methods for the
solution of equations -
Nicole Oresme
most of the historians agree to attribute he with the aproximation with the function concept
when he described natural laws as a relation of dependency between two magnitudes. Was the
first one using diagrams to represent variable magnitudes. -
Gerolamo Cardano
Gerolamo Cardano published the book considered as the beginning of algebra as it is done today.
The book was Ars magna (The Great Art). The cubic and quartic equations are explored in detail. -
Robert Recorde
The English
Robert Recorde
invented the symbol
of equality, =. -
Galileo Galilei
It seemed to understand the concept of function
with major clarity. His studies on the movement
contain the clear comprehension of a relation
between variables. -
Renè Descartes
Now any curve of the plane could be expressed
in terms of equations and any equation that
should relate two variables could be represented
geometrically in a plane. -
Johann Bernoulli
The function term appears for the first time . In
Johann Bernoulli's words, a function is " a quantity
formed somehow from indeterminate and constant
quantities ". -
who first used the term "function" in 1673. He took function to designate, in very general terms, the
dependence of geometrical quantities such as subtangents and subnormals on the shape of a curve.
He also introduced the terms "constant," "variable," and "parameter." -
He show how functions could be developed in infinite power series, thus allowing for the intervention
of infinite processes. He used "fluent" to designate independent variables, "relata quantitas" to
indicate dependent variables, and "genita" to refer to quantities obtained from others using the four
fundamental arithmetical operations. -
Leonhard Euler
the concept of function become famous
in mathematic´s world when he define
the function as" A variable quantity is an
analytical expression composed anyhow
from the variable quantity and of
numbers or constant quantities. -
Niels Henrik
Niels Henrik Abel successfully proved that there is no algebraic equation to give the solutions to a
general fifth degree polynomial equation. -
Edouard Goursat
finally, he gave a clearly definition of function:
"It is said that and it is a function of x if to
every value of x the only value corresponds to
him of and. This correspondence is indicated by
means of the equation and = ƒ (x)" -
Aplications of equations.
in economy, offer and demand, medicine, understanding of certain phenomena. -
Aplication of functions.
psychology results, in economy,physical, sport and medicine. -