History of mass media

  • 868

    First dated printed book

    The first ever dated printed book is known as the “Diamond Sutra”, printed in China in 868 AD, although it is clear books were printed earlier.
  • 1500

    Invention of printing press

    Invention of printing press that enables publication of books and newspapers on a scale much larger than previously possible.
  • “The media” First starting to be used

    In the 1920s was the generation that “the media” phrase started being used
  • Radio

    Radio was the dominant form of media during and after world war 2 as it could provide war information and more
  • Television

    Television was the next big thing to come to mass media. Television was like radio but now people could see things with audio in the background
  • Satellite communication

    In 1962, satellite communication became a common way for media to travel across the world. This also became easier for other countries to be able to communicate with each other.
  • Explosive growth in media

    There was an explosive growth in media in the 1980s, especially television. Satellite television reported events across the world live
  • Television everywhere

    According to a Media research In may 1994, 98 percent of all American houses had at least one TV set. 63 percent had at least basic cable.
  • Growth of mass media developed by technology

    During the 20th century, mass media is developed at a record speed due to new technologies.
  • Internet is born

    In the late 20th century internet media started to bring people together through computers and modems connected to telephone lines.