Pilot School Model Adoption
APS adopts pilot school model, created in tandem with the teachers union. The model was meant to test reforms and school-level autonomy. -
Lyn Knoll applies for pilot status
Period: to
Andrea Tucker - Principal
SPF Status: Improvement
SPF Status: Improvment
SPF Status: Performance
SPF Status: Improvement
SPF Status: Priority Improvement
SPF Status: Improvement
SPF Status: Performance
Loss of Assistant Principal
Budget cuts result in loss of key AP position -
SPF Status: Turnaround
-One of three APS schools to earn the lowest rating in 2017
-District recommends replacing current principal, drafting a contract w/ an outside agency, and creating a plan to recruit more students
-Pilot committee recommends that LK retain pilot status for 1 year, w/ parameters in place
-Board votes in favor of pilot committee recommendations -
APS Board substantially decreases pilot school funding
SPF Status: Improvement
Adoption of district curriculum (ELA & Math)
Implementation of grade-level data teams
Period: to
Shawn Graziani - principal
SPF Status: Priority Improvement
Alison Ostrom - Assistant Principal
PE/Specials go from every day to every other day