History of Life on Earth

By lchang
  • Period: to

    Entire existence of Earth

    We're going to compress the history of life on Earth into one calendar year....
  • Period: to

    Harsh & tubulent early Earth

    Volcanoes erupting. Water vapor cooling & condensing, but immediately vaporized again by scalding hot meteroites....
  • First life forms! Prokaryotic cells

    They are bacteria of which kingdom?
  • Period: to

    Cyanobacteria put oxygen into our atmosphere

  • First eukaryotic cells

  • First multicellular organisms (seaweed)

  • Oldest marine worms and jellyfish

  • First fish

  • First vascular land plants

  • First insects

  • First amphibians

  • First ferns

  • First reptiles

  • Appalachian mountains rise, then erode

  • Period: to

    Age of Dinosaurs

  • First dinosaurs

  • First mammals

    shrew-like animals
  • First bird

  • First angiosperms

  • Mammals dominate

  • First hominids appear at noon

    Homo sapiens - real humans! - appear at 11:45pm.
  • Revolutionary War at 11:59pm