Price for Education
Pennsylvania state constitution calls for free public education for poor families, while wealthy families are expected to pay for their children’s education -
Language in School
Boston’s English High School opens and is the first tuition-free public high school to teach no language but English. -
Helping Those in Need
The first school for children with mental disabilities opens in Massachusetts. -
Women Finally Receiving An Education
Women enter the University of Michigan for the first time since its founding at Ann Arbor in 1817. -
No More Segregated Schools
The U.S. Supreme Court rules schools segregated by race are unequal and therefore unconstitutional. -
Aiding Those With Disabilities
The Teacher of the Deaf Act is enacted. It is designed to train teachers to educate students who are hard of hearing or deaf. Often we use what is called sign language, so they understand what we are trying to say. -
Learning New Languages in School
Congress passes the Bilingual Education Act, providing the first funding to encourage schools to incorporate native language education in their curriculum. -
Our School's Futures are at Risk
The National Commission on Excellence in Education report “A Nation at Risk” concludes that America’s educational system is so poor that America’s competive future is threatenend, prompting a wave of reforms in schools and teacher education. -
New School Act
A new school act called the No Child Left Behind Act was brought to life. Under the NCLB law, states must test students in reading and math in grades 3 through 8 and once in high school, and they must report the results. The school and teachers are responsible for getting kids to a certain level so no kids have to repeat a grade level. -
Changes in schools
I liked this video because it talked about the changes within schools, not necessarily educationally, but the way they look, what you wear, how many students there are, how we have buses compared to them having horses or just walking, how teachers were single women, etc. It is cool to see how different schools look compared to back then and see how much things have changed.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n4lFPv82M_s -
All Students Will Succeed
The Every Student Succeeds Act came about and was signed by President Obama to revise the No Child Left Behind Act. After many years, that act became unworkable for a good amount of schools, so Obama came up with this act to make sure that ever student does succeed and is prepared for their next step. -