Unruh Civil Rights Act
The Unruh Civil Rights Act allows all invdividuals to "full and equal accommodations, advantages, facilities, privileges, or services in all business establishments, including both private and public entities." The act covers classes such as age, race, sex and sexual orientation. Note: The exact date of the Unruh Act could not be found -
California Fair Employment and Housing Act
The Fair Housing and Employment Act prevents discrimination in empoloyment on the basis of characteristics such as age, race, sexual orientation and gender identity. It also protects those affected by discrimination against "illegal retaliation." -
Federal Fair Housing Act
The Fair Housing Act (Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968) prevents housing discrimination on the basis of characteristics such as race, religion and sex. However, the act does not include a provision about sexual orientation. -
LGBT Senior Long Term Care Facilities Bill of Rights Ordinance
The LGBT Senior Long Term Care Facilities Bill of Rights Ordinance helps to prevent discrimination against LGBT seniors in long-term care facilities. The bill affects LGBT seniors in San Francisco.