Old letters e1552463906281 875x472

History of Letters

  • 500 BCE

    First Letter

    Around 500 BC, Persian Queen Atossa Had written the first letter ever recorded in history. Unfortunately we do not know what the letter was sent or who is was to.
  • People began delivering mail

    Around 1683, people began delivering mail on foot.
  • People Began Delivering Mail on Horses

    In 1700, People began delivering mail via horses.
  • Mail Delivery Began In The US

    In 1775, the US began delivering mail to people on a regular schedule.
  • The First Stamp

    In 1847, the first stamp was used on an envelope.
  • The first mailbox was invented

    in the late 1850's, the first mailbox was invented, though, these mailboxes were usually attached to the house or building.
  • International mail started

    in 1875, the US started to send mail internationally.
  • Mail started being delivered twice a day

    in 1950, Mail began being delivered twice a day.
  • the first person went to postal

    in the 1986, the first person went to postal.