
history of Lego bricks

  • LEGO company founded

    LEGO company founded
    in Billund, Denmark, Ole Kirk Christiansen founded a toy company called Lego and started making wooden toys.
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  • first Lego brick made

    first Lego brick made
    Ole Kirk Kristiansen first makes a toy brick that can connect to other bricks.
  • first Lego set relesed

    first Lego set relesed
    the first Lego set so that instead of just a bunch of individual bricks that you just radmly connect to stay and make something you now had a set instructions to make a Lego build.'re%20after%20the,house%2C%20according%20to%20Brick%20Fact.
  • LEGO brick patented

    LEGO brick patented
    Godtfred Kirk Christiansen patented the Lego brick allowing the company to be the only one developing it.]
  • fire destoryes wooden toy inventory casing a switch to only plastic bricks.

    fire destoryes wooden toy inventory casing a switch to only plastic bricks.
    A fire broke out at A LEGO wood working factory burning most of it down this event is what got LEGO to only work on the plastic bricks.
  • first Lego amusement park opens

    first Lego amusement park opens
    LEGO company opens a Lego themed amusement park showing how big the company has gotten.
  • first Lego figures relese

    first Lego figures relese
    LEGO figures come out giving the toys even more play possibilities with characters
  • first Lego film Edward and Friends

    first Lego film Edward and Friends
    this was the first instance of LEGO getting into the film industry.
  • first Lego video game comes out

    first Lego video game comes out
    LEGO's first vedo game comes out as a edecational program.
    this whowing them stepping into a nother industry.
  • LEGO has its first collaboration

    LEGO has its first collaboration
    this was the start to Lego collaboration with different film industries allowing favorit character to slowly turn into lego figurs
  • the creation of BIONICLE

    the creation of BIONICLE
    the BIONCLEs are LEGO products that fans constantly ague over wether or not they are truly Legos or just something similar.these toy are the first branched product sense the creation on Legos.
  • LEGO launches Lego life a online community to share builds

    LEGO launches Lego life a online community to share builds
    This Lego app was the first that LEGO got into social media this app allowed its users to post and share the difrent builds that make with Legos.